The Yang Wei Mai, also known as the Yang Linking Vessel, is an extraordinary vessel that connects all the Yang channels at point G.B.-35 Yang Jiao. It impacts the external aspect of the body, attacking the Defensive Qi.

The Path of the Linking Vessel

The path of the Vessel starts with the point BL-63 Jinmen below the inner side of the ankle at the end of the tibia bone. Then, it continues to the point G.B.-29 Juliao alongside the thigh to reach the shoulder at the point L.I.-14 Binao; this point connects the Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and the Bladder channel. Afterwards, the path rises to the points T.B.-13 Naohui and T.B.-15 Tianliao. The Triple Burner, Gallbladder, and Stomach channels are connected with the point G.B.-21. at the shoulder. Continuing with the point S.I.-10 Naoshu which connects the Small Intestine and the Yang Stepping Vessel.

Consequently, it reaches the ear at the point G.B.-20 Fengchi into the points G.B.-19 Naokong, G.B.-18 Chengling, and G.B.-15 Linqi. Ultimately, the path reaches the forehead G.B.-14 Yangbai and rises into the eyes at point G.B.-13 Benshen.

The Invasion of the Wind

The shivers and the aversion to the cold are the main pathological signs of External Winds. Shivering occurs in both Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat. The shivers are caused by the blocked areas between the skin and the muscle, since it reduces the circulation of the Defensive Qi to warm the muscles. This Vessel is used when:

  • The pulse appears to be floating
  • Shivers are excessive
  • Ear pains

In order to resolve Pathology of the Wind, the opening and coupled points used are T.B.-15 Waiguan and G.B.-41 Zulinqi, in conjunction with L.I.-4 Hegu, G.B.-20 Fengchi, and BL-12 Fengmen. Though the point G.B.-20 Fengchi is connected to the Gallbladder, this point also connects all the Yang channels. Therefore, this point is used in Pathology for the Wind.

Fevers and shivers alternate in some cases, this pathogenic factor is due to the alternation of external and internal heat. In external winds, there are shivers, in internal winds, there are fevers or a heating sensation. In this sort of symptom, the points T.B.-5 Waiguan and G.B.-41 Zuliniqi in combination with L.I.-11 Quchi and Du-13 Taodao. 


The Yang Wei Mai is also used Chronic headaches surrounding the Gallbladder channel. The areas affected are the head, neck, and eyebrows. To cure these headaches, the opening point and coupled point T.B.-5 Waiguan and G.B.-41 Zulinqi are used alongside points L.I.-4 Hegu, G.B.-20 Fengchi, LIV-3 Taichong, and local points targeting the location of the pain.


The points of the Yang Linking Vessel affect the back as well as the channels that run along the back. The Yang Linking Vessel treats back pains and includes the Gallbladder and Bladder since they run along the back. In case of back pain and swelling, the middle of the calf is needled. Both the Yang Linking Vessel and the Yang Stepping Vessel are used in back pain, however the Stepping Vessel aids the Bladder channels when the pulse is Full and wiry. On the other hand the Yang Linking Vessel aids the Gall Bladder when the pulse is Floating. 

Lateral Side of the Body

The Yang Linking Vessel could also be used to treat Obstruction (Bi) Syndrome that affects the muscles on the lateral side of the body. The Vessel is also used in Hypochondrial Pain, Sciatica and pain in the side of the neck. 

Ear problems

Ear problems such as pain or tinnitus are due to Liver-Fire, Gallbladder , and Damp-Heat from the Gallbladder. Because of its pathway, the Yang Linking Vessel can treat the ear. 

Though the Yang Linking Vessel connects all the Yang channels, the Yang Stepping Vessel is mainly used to treat Epilepsy

Yang Linking Vessel, Yang Stepping Vessel, and the Governing Vessel

The Yang Linking Vessel does not nourish Yang, rather absorbs excessive Yang from the Yang channels and connects them within the body. It aids the lateral side of the body, neck and head though the Gallbladder channel, Bladder channel and the Triple Burner. In such cases, the pulse appears to float. 

The Yang Stepping Vessel also absorbs excessive Yang, however it absorbs the excess from the main channel. It aids the head and the eyes through the Bladder channel and the Gallbladder channel. The pulse in pathology is wiry in both positions.

The Governing Vessel nourishes the Yang and aids the back through all the Yang channels. The pulse in pathology of the Governing Vessel appears to be floating. 


Herbs that aid in treating the Yin Linking Vessel include:

  • Gui Zhi Ramulus
  • Cinnamomi cassiae
  • Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae lactiflorae
  • Huang Qi Radix Astragali membranacei

Herbs that aid both the Yin and Yang Linking Vessels include:

  • Lu Jiao Shuang Cornu Cervi degelatinatum
  • Xiao Hui Xiang Fructus Foeniculi vulgaris
  • Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
  • Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae
  • Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae lactiflorae
  • Huang Qi Radix Astragali membranacei