Menstruation is an essential female cycle that is addressed within women’s physiology. Many women question the average cycles and how they compare to themselves. In the United States, the average year where women experience Menarche, also known as the beginning of their periods, is 12.4 years of age. Premature periods take place at the age of 10, delayed periods take place at the age of 16. The average year of menopause in women is 50 years of age. Premature menopause is before the age of 35 and delayed menopause is the age of 55. In Chinese medicine 26 to 32 days is the normal range of a menstrual cycle and the duration of a period to be normal if it lasted 4 to 6 days.
Women vs men
Women contain mainly Yin Essence, but some aspects of their physiology are Yang. Based on this concept, women’s physiology originates in Blood and they store the Blood, Uterus, and fetus. Because the number of Yin Qi is 7, the woman’s essence rises at 7 years of age and their ova/ eggs mature at 14 years of age. On the other hand, men contain Yang, yet some aspects of their physiology are Yin. Their physiology originates in Qi and they store Essence. Because the number of Yang Qi is 8, the man’s essence rises at 8 years of age and matures sperm at age 16.
The Uterus or The Zi Bao
The Uterus is also known as the Zi Bao that roughly translates to “baby container” in Chinese. The singular word Bao in men refers to the area that contains the Sperm or their Essence. The lower abdomen in women contains a Dian Tian houses the Uterus and stores Blood. Women are more susceptible to blood stasis and therefore, in chronic gynecological problems, blood stasis is always a suspect.
Though the shape of the uterus is that of a Yang organ, it contains the Essence of Yin. The shape consists of hollow characteristics, menstruates and produces labor. However, the Yin aspect of Uterus is the storage of Blood and the nourishment of the fetus in pregnancy.
The Uterus Channel or the Bao Luo connects the Uterus and the Kidneys. The Uterus Vessel called the Bao Mai connects the Heart to the Uterus, which explains the emotional imbalance during menstruation. When a woman misses her period, it is a sign that the vessel is obstructed. HE-5 Tongli impacts the uterus through the Bao Mai.
In Kidney Essence deficiency, amenorrhoea and infertility may be present. The stagnation of Heart Qi may also be the cause of amenorrhoea.
Origins and Functions of Tian Gui
The name Tian Gui roughly refers to “heaven” or “heavenly” because of the cosmic cycles related to menstruation cycles. Gui as a stem relates to water, it is one of the 10 stems, each coupled based on the Five Elements. Tian Gui originates within the Kidneys and therefore represents Kidney-water and Kidney- Essence. It is the menstrual blood, but is not Blood itself because Blood is the Liver– Blood, which sustains other aspects of the body. Post- Natal Qi, Tian Gui, and Blood produced by the Stomach and the Spleen also play a secondary role in producing menstrual blood. Therefore, the points BL-20 Pishu and BL-23 Shenshu nourish the Post- Natal Blood and the Tian Gui. Tian Gui includes the ova from the ovaries.
Tian Gui correlates to hormonal developments in modern medicine. The Kidney- Essence and Minister fire are the origins of the Tian Gui. at the age of 14, the Directing Vessel opens and the Penetrating Vessel flourishes to where the menstruation can start.
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